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Following the harmonisation of the various procedures and the keeping of registers in the fields of trade marks, designs and patents, the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property (IPI), the authority responsible for trade mark, patent and design law in Switzerland, has drawn up new guidelines reflecting this harmonisation. These harmonised guidelines concern the parts "General Part", "Registration/Appraisal Procedure" and "Keeping the Register".

In addition, the IPI has partially revised its trade mark guidelines ("International trade mark registration", "Substantive trade mark examination", "Opposition proceedings" and "Cancellation proceedings due to non-use") as well as the guidelines for the substantive examination of national patent applications.

These guidelines entered into force on 1 July 2023 and will be applied to all pending proceedings from that date.

The Office of Economic Affairs has introduced new administrative procedures in trademark protection as of 1 January 2023.

With the implementation of Directive (EU) 2015/2436 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2015 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to trademarks, new procedures under registration law have been introduced before the Office. These are opposition proceedings against the registration of a trademark as well as proceedings for revocation or declaration of invalidity In this way, the simplest, quickest and least expensive legal remedies are made available. Thus, the goal of a uniform trademark and design system in Europe is also supported by Liechtenstein.

Until now, Liechtenstein did not recognise these procedures.

Since Liechtenstein did not recognise these procedures until now, the Trademark Protection Act (MSchG, LGBI. 1997 No. 60, the Trademark Protection Ordinance (MSchV, LGBI. 1997 No. 77 and also the Ordinance on the Collection of Fees under the Trademark Protection Act (LGBI. 1997 No. 78) had to be amended. The links to the consolidated legislation can be found on the homepage of the Office of Economic Affairs or at

The Office of Economic Affairs provides new forms for these procedures via the online counter of the Liechtenstein National Administration.

A brand is the most important investment you make in your business.


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